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A major reason jails are overcrowded is the backlog in the court system. Inmates often can’t defend themselves due to a lack of legal knowledge, no access to the internet, and little to no accountability for public defenders and lawyers. While working in corrections, I saw firsthand how those with money or family support got out quickly—because their families were actively calling the courts, DA’s office, and even their lawyers, demanding action. Meanwhile, others sit behind bars for months on minor charges simply because they have no one to advocate for them.


Right now, there are people in Clayton County Jail who have been locked up for eight months over something as small as driving on a suspended license—just because they have an immigration hold. One man I saw couldn’t speak English, had no way to ask for help, and his family in Mexico couldn’t make calls to push for his release. He was trapped, with no access to his public defender or any legal guidance.

LegalU would change that.

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